grep: grep Programs

 2.4 ‘grep’ Programs
 ‘grep’ searches the named input files for lines containing a match to
 the given patterns.  By default, ‘grep’ prints the matching lines.  A
 file named ‘-’ stands for standard input.  If no input is specified,
 ‘grep’ searches the working directory ‘.’ if given a command-line option
 specifying recursion; otherwise, ‘grep’ searches standard input.  There
 are four major variants of ‘grep’, controlled by the following options.
      Interpret patterns as basic regular expressions (BREs).  This is
      the default.
      Interpret patterns as extended regular expressions (EREs).  (‘-E’
      is specified by POSIX.)
      Interpret patterns as fixed strings, not regular expressions.
      (‘-F’ is specified by POSIX.)
      Interpret patterns as Perl-compatible regular expressions (PCREs).
      PCRE support is here to stay, but consider this option experimental
      when combined with the ‘-z’ (‘--null-data’) option, and note that
      ‘grep -P’ may warn of unimplemented features.  ⇒Other
    In addition, two variant programs ‘egrep’ and ‘fgrep’ are available.
 ‘egrep’ is the same as ‘grep -E’.  ‘fgrep’ is the same as ‘grep -F’.
 Direct invocation as either ‘egrep’ or ‘fgrep’ is deprecated, but is
 provided to allow historical applications that rely on them to run